

An organic, modern oceanfront retreat in New England with a California flair

并不是每天都能在科德角的海洋上安家 的创始人兼负责人林赛·本蒂斯(Lindsay Bentis)说 Lindsay Bentis的帖子. Such homes, with their sandy heirloom settings, remain in families for generations. 在寻找这样的房产多年之后, 和她在内陆的家人一起创造回忆, 本提斯的长期客户(她的第一个客户), 事实上)和业主/项目执行史蒂文·奥弗斯特里特 S.J. 欧弗街建筑有限公司.公司. finally had the opportunity to purchase a home on the shores of the Atlantic. 忍耐带来了天堂.

The location was exactly what they had been looking for: a narrow stretch of land crowned by golden coastal vistas, 哪一个, 来自Bentis, 是我在好望角见过的最壮观的房子.”


最初, 目的是翻新20世纪80年代的柱子和梁结构, 重新召集了10年前客户郊区改造项目的团队, 包括本提斯和奥弗斯特里特, 还有肯特·达克姆校长 Duckham架构 & 内饰, Paul Reidt,总裁 Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商创始人兼校长Stephanie Hubbard sitcreative景观建筑. Once they began, however, they found that the original structure resisted their collective vision. Its framework didn’t lend itself to the sea of possibilities or celebrate the site’s sublime views, 于是他们重新开始. 


一个28英尺的多滑梯 马文 door with an automated screen makes up most of the 30-foot ocean-facing wall.

结果是一栋毫不妥协的海滨住宅, 一个卓越的, wholly authentic property in 哪一个 the landscape and built environment not only peacefully coexist; they bring out the best in one another. 一般来说,专业人士是依次来的, 解释Reidt, yet this project unfolded as a true collaboration in 哪一个 expertise unique to each field came in at the ground floor and was granted the freedom to shine. “结果,”Reidt说,“是一件完全整合的艺术作品.奥弗斯特里特对此表示赞同, 赞美有机的协同作用, 独一无二的项目和一个类似于“设计/构建”的过程.”


The construction team used the footprint of the original foundation on the side of the home that faces the ocean, "as they weren't looking to impede any of the setbacks or get closer to the bluff,奥弗斯特里特解释道。. They did, however, extend the foundation further toward towards the street.

Bentis, 在马里布海滩附近长大的人, was encouraged to channel the inside/outside living opportunities of homes in LA. “You can make that kind of West Coast house on the East Coast,” the client told her. Duckham, 谁以他的传统海滨建筑而闻名, embraced the stylistic departure and the aesthetic that Bentis and the client had honed over the years. 利用大部分现有的足迹, he pursued a design that ebbs and flows within the indoor and outdoor realms, 使用大量的玻璃, 深悬和门廊都有人居住和私人.

Master bedroom of an organic beach house designed by Lindsay Bentis of Lindsay Bentis的帖子

Bentis went “soft and serene” in the master bedroom, 哪一个 has the feel of a cruise ship. 只需按一下按钮,自动遮阳板就能将无与伦比的美景拒之千里.

内部, 的刷新, 整洁的生活空间读起来就像深呼一口气, 但它们惊人的简单隐藏了对建造者的严格要求. The home’s parade of windows and doors required a mammoth amount of steel and structural wood beams, and created little space in the exterior walls for a highly technical infrastructure.

光线充足的楼梯大厅,天窗由S.J. 欧弗街建筑有限公司.公司.

Wasco设计的山脊天窗在设计的早期就实现了. It bathes the kitchen in sunlight and was sized to match the width and length of the stairwell. An art installation by Carolina Sardi was conceived expressly for the site. Bentis and Sardi collaborated on the formation of its metal disks to make the array appear natural and give it a certain freedom, 就像一场意外.“本提斯画了悬挂在路上的黑白艺术.

至于完成工作, 现代主义的细节——石膏揭示, 没有修剪, and intersections and courses of the tile—required tremendous skill and effort from a construction standpoint. “这是一栋华丽的房子, 看起来很简单,奥弗斯特里特说。, “but even as a builder you don’t appreciate how difficult it’s going to be until you start doing it.”

现代海滨角住宅的浴室设计.J. 欧弗街建筑有限公司.公司.

大家都说,主浴室堪称神来之笔. 它被设计成一个潮湿的房间, 漂浮的虚荣, 壁挂式水龙头和Heath Ceramics的大理石和瓷砖的柔和组合.

Bentis warded off any chill modern design can bring with a palette pulled from nature, 对每一个选择都要诚实. 代替可能会破坏视野的大胆色调, 相反,她专注于纹理, 材料及表格. Every surface has “a patina and a sort of worn quality,” she says, and artistry. 特色丰富的泰木, 哪个在家里被大量使用, 它的专利是否具有“饱经风霜却又优雅优雅”的外观, 银灰色的完成, 说Reidt, while the first-floor feature wall is lined with hand glazed Moroccan tile with color variances “that bleed and run like a watercolor,本提斯说. 

Modern kitchen for a beachfront property with cabinetry by Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商, S构造.J. Overstreet

KR+H opted for white cabinetry in the kitchen to allow the Ann Sacks tile of the island and feature wall to prevail. Reidt说,这个家的表面“把它变成了精致的东西."

Soft finishes and furnishings were shown a level of care Bentis would give her own home. 她采购的黄油皮革越久越好, 重新装饰的复古发现与长毛绒,但耐用的面料, 设计定制的作品 洛基定制家具 甚至还画了艺术品挂在墙上. “没有什么是苛刻或完美的,”本提斯坚持说. 但结果是.

The modern living room and stair of a 角 home on the ocean designed by Duckham架构 & 内饰

Duckham设计的楼梯是一种体验, 让房主带着美景走进房间. 起居室的凹壁龛从一开始就是必须的. “每个人都喜欢大的, 开放式平面图,本提斯说, “但有一个蜷缩在里面的空间很好.”

Stephanie Hubbard of SiteCreative also cultivated a “natural and serendipitous” sensibility for the landscape architecture, 扩展元素, 以地形为整体之美, 梯田, 石材及建筑物. “我们强烈地感受到一切连接的重要性,哈伯德透露, “so the feel of the architecture and interiors is brought into the landscape.”

Screened pergola within a coastal meadow designed by SiteCreative landscape architecture and constructed by 舒马赫的公司

哈伯德设计 在前院有一个带遮阳棚的凉棚作为目的地. It is sheltered from the wind, and clad in the yellow cedar of the architecture.

再一次,有机食品是珍贵的. SiteCreative developed a planting plan that feels like an extension of the shoreline’s existing environment, with new native plantings and curated coastal meadows that look as if they took root long ago. Their installation was no easy task; landscape contractor 舒马赫的公司 还得考虑种子的时间吗, 插头和较大的植物材料, 以及保护和保护成熟的树木. 这样的效果是值得的, 由于“放松”的植物软化了线形石头, hardscape and boardwalks that stray from the surf to crisscross the site.

Organic beachside terrace with fireplace, designed by SiteCreative landscape architects

This woodburning granite fireplace and star of an outdoor terrace was a joint effort by Hubbard, 达克汉姆和奥弗斯特里特. 每一个石头, 经过建筑师和景观设计师的详细设计, 由缅因州的淡水石编号, 现场吊车安装, 一块一块地.

Open-air settings were conceived as a series of outdoor rooms with different functions and uses for each time of day. 居民可以沐浴在充足的阳光下, 在室外壁炉的火焰中欣赏风景, 在挡风的户外厨房烧烤或在阴凉的地方放松, 被内陆草地包围的遮蔽凉棚. Such experiential moments honor the site, 哪一个 is, after all, why it all began.

架构: Duckham架构 & 内饰
建设: S.J. 欧弗街建筑有限公司.公司.
室内设计: Lindsay Bentis的帖子
木制品和橱柜: Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商
景观设计: sitcreative景观建筑
景观建设: 舒马赫的公司
门窗: 马文
摄影: Nat意图
