

Dusk view of custom designed shingle style home Metrowest, MA

A new home is designed in reverence to its deeply wooded setting.  

当房主问迈克尔·林奇 Lynch建设与改造, to visit a lot they were considering purchasing to build their next home, 他注意到街对面还有一个大得多的包裹. “我建议他们考虑另一批, 因为它比第一个更有价值,林奇回忆道。.

木瓦风格的家在农村设置Metrowest, 马修·坎宁安景观设计硕士-景观设计

It didn’t take much convincing for the homeowners to see the second site’s potential. 位于尼德姆一个僻静的社区, the lot encompasses nearly 10 acres and borders the Charles River. Much of the forested setting—which feels more like a plot that could be found in the rustic New Hampshire woods than in suburban Boston—is protected by the Trustees of Reservations.

“The homeowners wanted the house to be all about the forest views—the most important aspect was fitting the house into the context of the site,理查德·库尔说, 的校长 Curl Simitis Architecture + Design, 谁为这个住宅起草了平面图, 同时与林奇和德文·赫弗隆密切合作, 高级助理 Matthew Cunningham景观设计.

“It was literally a forest through the trees moment,” recalls Hefferon. “How do you carve into this existing landscape to make a home while preserving what makes the site so special?” The site’s existing topography dictated where the house would be set, including the access point for the basement and the location of the home’s raised patios and covered porch. “The homeowners had lived in Needham for years and they wanted to stay there, 亲近他们的朋友,Hefferon说. “However, they really wanted this place to feel like a house in the woods and not a suburban home.”

Shingle style home in rural wooded setting - 肯扬木工 kitchen cabinets

为了给房子腾出空间,这块地必须清理干净, the goal was to preserve as much of the vegetation as possible. 另外, the long term landscape plan involves revegetating the property so over time, “有一种感觉,它正在消失在树林里,Hefferon说. 这所房子既有古老的魅力,又有现代的感觉. We strove to make the landscape look natural to nestle the house in.”

Unlike most of the other homes in the neighborhood, the home is set far back from the road. The grade at the back of the house drops dramatically and opens to the woodland. “From there, the house feels very connected to nature,” says Courtney Driver, an associate of Curl’s. 在一楼, the family room has a wall of glass overlooking the landscape and the adjacent family room has three walls of windows. All of the bedrooms on the second floor have views of the forested setting.

Shingle style home in rural wooded setting - Construction built 3 car garage / basketball court by 林奇建设 & 重构

The homeowners envisioned a home with Shingle Style characteristics. To make the structure fit within the context of the wooded setting, shingles are slate in color and trim is painted a black tone that matches the windows; stone sheathes the base of the house. 屋顶轮廓很陡. “We wanted the scale of the house to have a presence among the trees,” says Curl. Slight embellishments to the exterior add interest including a projecting triangular-shaped overhang above the front door known as a prow; on the back of the house a gable features a projection that combines a prow shape with the more curved essence of an eyebrow motif.

Shingle style home in rural wooded setting - room with built-in cabinets designed by Curl Simitis Architecture + Design

“One of the reasons we were so excited to build the house was because of these multi-plane, 的角度, and curved gables—they are complex to build and require the collaboration of some real skilled craftsmen,林奇说。.

As the main focus of the project was incorporating views into the home, 内部保持得很简单, 用最小的细节说卷曲. Much consideration was devoted to the recreational pursuits of the homeowners’ two daughters, including the full basketball court that was put into the garage. Initially, the basketball court was planned for the basement, but that proved problematic.

Shingle style home in rural wooded setting - 林奇建设 indoor basketball court and 3 car garage

“We would have needed to do a 20-foot excavation to accommodate a basketball court in the basement,林奇说。. Ultimately, the garage, which has a 32-foot high ceiling, was designed to include the court.

Upon the approach to the home, there isn’t a traditional green lawn surrounding the residence. 相反,本土植物占据了中心位置. “We specifically chose plant material that is native and has incredible fall color—red maples, 甜蜜的尖顶, 甜蜜的蕨类植物,Hefferon说. “The reds, yellows, and golds really make the property sing in October.”

架构: Curl Simitis Architecture + Interiors
建设: 林奇建设 & 重构
厨房橱柜: 肯扬木工
景观设计: Matthew Cunningham景观设计
景观建设: 缟玛瑙公司
摄影: 沃伦•帕特森
